The French health and environmental agency, ANSES, published on Tuesday, April 20 an opinion and a draft report on aspects of possible health risks of exposure to 5G. This report has been put for a period of six weeks in public consultation to allow scientists, health professionals, experts and organizations to give their opinion, comments and proposals on the report.

You have until Tuesday, June 1, 2021 to participate.

To allow international participation on this global public health issue, we have asked ANSES to translate the opinion into English. According to their answer, it should be available soon. And on our side, we have just set up an English working report with the professional translation tool Deepl. It can be downloaded here

AP2019SA0006_Rapport_5G_consultation - english

How to respond to the public consultation

Comments on the expert report and the opinion “Exposures to electromagnetic fields related to the deployment of 5G communication technology and possible associated health effects” will be sent to the Agency by digital means only (“pdf” file to be commented on and sent to Anses and/or form to be completed). Comments and remarks will be taken into consideration under the following conditions:

they must be submitted before the deadline set for the consultation period;
they will not concern risk management recommendations;
they do not include complaints against institutions, personal accusations or abusive statements.

All comments received that meet the above conditions will be given careful consideration, but no individual response will be provided other than acknowledging the submission of the commented file or acknowledging receipt of the form.

Comments must be accompanied by the bibliographic references of the sources cited.

For faster processing of comments, the Anses recommends adding comments to the “pdf” file of the opinion or report, which can be downloaded from the public consultation page, and sending the file via the submission interface below. It is possible to submit a PDF file and/or general comment(s) about the report or notice until June 1, 2021.

To make your comments directly in the body of the report or notice:
To make your comments directly in the pdf file of the report and associated notice;
Submit your pdf file before June 1, 2021 by filling out the form – check the Submit a PDF file option in the Consultation response methods field.
To submit a general comment(s) about the report or notice:
Fill out the form with your comment – Check the option Submit general comment(s) about the report or notice in the Consultation Response Procedures field;
Submit comment;
Fill out the form again if you wish to add a second comment.

This process can be repeated several times.

If you have any difficulties in completing the questionnaire, please contact:

Find our Press release after the publication of the ANSES report