On December 14, 2018, Dr. Arazi discovered that the 4 tires of the family car, parked on the street about 50 meters from his home, had been punctured. According to information provided by the Nogent-sur-Marne Municipal Police, the vehicle was the only one targeted.

Dr. Arazi discovered the facts as he was about to get in his vehicle on December 14, 2018 for a hearing before the French Administrative Court.

The day before, his dog suddenly collapsed, suffering from a serious illness, following his evening outing in the garden. At this point, there is only a suspicion of attempted poisoning.

A complaint against X was filed on December 26, 2018 at the Nogent-sur-Marne police station. For its part, in a press release published on the City’s website

Jacques JP Martin, Mayor (LR) clearly expressed his indignation “following the serious acts of which Marc Arazi and his family were the victims”.

Isolated acts of vandalism? Intimidation tactics aimed at Dr. Arazi’s alert action in the Phonegate health and industrial scandal?

We call on the French authorities and the judiciary to shed light on this matter. We fully support the President of our association and his family and we count on all of you to do the same.