We would like to thank MEPs Philippe Lamberts, Michèle Rivasi and Klaus Buchner of the Greens/EFA for their invitation to participate in the Press Conference organised on October 1st 2019 at the European Parliament. This will be an opportunity for our President, Dr. Marc Arazi, to ask the European authorities to take all appropriate measures to protect mobile phone users from the health and industrial risks associated with the international Phonegate scandal, particularly at the time of the announced launch of 5G.

We welcome the presence of US Professor Martin Pall and Italian journalist Maurizio Martucci, both on the front line to ensure that the precautionary principle and a moratorium are applied before any massive deployment of 5G.


Philippe Lamberts, Michele Rivasi and Klaus Buchner, MEPs from the Greens/EFA
invite you to a Press Conference on

5G, Health Risks and Precautionary Principle : A New Rationale
Tuesday 1st October 2019, 11h30 – European Parliament, Brussels,
(EN / FR / DE on request)

Dear Correspondents,

According to the European Commission, the precautionary principle « may be invoked when a phenomenon, product or process may have a dangerous effect, identified by a scientific and objective evaluation, if this evaluation does not allow the risk to be determined with sufficient certainty ».

An extensive scientific literature have been accumulated over the last decades on non-thermal electromagnetic fields (emf) effects. 8 effects, especially, have been extremely well-documented – from attacks on the nervous system, oxydative stress, to excessive calcium signalling for example – with 12 to 35 scientific reviews articles on each specific effect. Each of these effects is produced by the same mechanism of action : voltage-gated action channels.

What about 5G ? We have no biological safety testing of genuine 5G radiation, and for the European Commission « an impact assessment is not considered necessary ». But we have strong suspicions of similar or more severe non-thermal effects of 5G for four different reasons : the extremely high numbers of antennas that is planned ; the very high energy outputs used to ensure penetration ; the strong absorption of 5G by the surface of organisms like insects, birds and trees ; and the extraordinarily high pulsation levels which make non-thermal EMF more biologically active.

MEPs Philippe LAMBERTS, Michele RIVASI and Klaus BUCHNER will be happy to share with you theses new elements exposed by their experts guests : Martin PALL, Marc ARAZI, and Maurizio MARTUCCI.

Who ?
* Philippe Lamberts, Co-President of the Greens/EFA group. As a former IBM engineer, he wish to preserve european citizens from the eurocynism of big business cartels.
* Michele Rivasi is a Greens/EFA MEP who calls for an European biological and environmental impact assessment of 5G radiation. Michele Rivasi is a French biologist, specialist on environmental health and industrial pollution issues.
* Klaus Buchner, Greens/EFA MEP, is a professor of university on physics and is amongst the scientists and doctors who signs the 5G Appeal petition, calling for a moratorium of the 5G roll-out.

* Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University
* Marc Arazi, MD, Physician, chairman of the PhoneGate Alert, about the overexposure of our mobile phones
* Maurizio Martucci, journalist, writer, national spokesman of the Italian Stop 5G Alliance and promoter of the European Stop5G Alliance

When ? Tuesday, 1st October 2019, 11.30am

Where ? European Parliament,

The press conference will be held in French, English and German