Dr. Marc Arazi
Dr. Marc Arazi, President, France
As a medical doctor, in July 2016, he launched an alert about the overexposure of our mobile phones, which has since been referred to as the Phonegate health and industrial scandal. For the last fifteen years, as a doctor he has been particularly concerned by health issues related to mobile telephony. Among other things, he was spokesman for a French NGO and negotiator for the “Grenelle des ondes” organized by the French government (2009-2013). He has founded and chaired since March 2018 “Phonegate Alert” with the aim of informing, protecting and defending the hundreds of millions of mobile phone users with the support of international organizations, scientists, health professionals , lawyers and journalists. In November 2020, he published a book entitled “Phonegate” which retraces his years of investigations. Since June 2022, the English version is now availble See is blog

Lysiane Brasset
Lysiane Brasset, Deputy Treasurer, France
Retired from national education where she was a school teacher, she has been active for more than fifteen years in several associations that fight to put in place protective health regulations for residents of relay antennas, for users of mobile phones and for people suffering from electro-hypersensitivity (EHS). She has been working with Dr. Arazi on all these topics since 2004.

Joël Ferbus
Joël Ferbus, France
Engineer Arts and Crafts, he is a retired officer of the French Navy and worked as a reservist in the Ministry of Transport. His good knowledge of legal and administrative issues is important in a complex case like Phonegate. He is a member of several associations where he brings at once his seriousness and his good humor. Joël served as Secretary from its foundation until April 2023.

Dr.Julie McCredden
Dr.Julie McCredden, Australia
Dr. Julie McCredden (Ph)D) is a cognitive science researcher and educational designer. She received a BSc (mathematics, psychology, physics) from The University of Queensland in the 1980’s, with honours in perception (visual illusions). She completed a PhD in cognitive science (neural network models of human reasoning) at the University of Queensland in 2001. She has worked in research in human perception and psychophysics, and cognitive development and human reasoning. She has also worked as an educational designer, helping to introduce new technologies and pedagogies into university courses. Dr. McCredden’s current research interest is the effects of electromagnetic fields on cognitive processes in children and adults. She became in 2015 the president of the Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (www.orsaa.org)

Jacques Landauer
Jacques Landauer, Treasurer, France
Retired from an insurance company, he was active during part of his professional life in a management union, which he chaired for the last few years. Involved at the local level in the environmental and sanitary aspects of his city, he brings all his rigor and his ability to work as a team to all issues.

Jean-Paul Huard
Jean-Pau Huard, Secretary, France
I am just retired after 43 years of professional activity mainly as Project Director and Executive Manager in the world of International Engineering. I have known Marc Arazi for more than 15 years and I was interested almost from the beginning in his commitment to the risks related to overexposure to cell phones and the scandal of non-compliance with standards by cellphone manufacturers. That’s why I want to get more directly involved in this public health problem by joining the board of the association.

Theodora Scarato
Theodora Scarato, Representative of the Environmental Health Trust, USA
Theodora Scarato is Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust (EHT), a scientific think tank that publishes research, develops public health awareness programs and educates policymakers worldwide on environmental health issues. She works with EHTs scientists and collaborates with research and academic institutions internationally on health risks of cell phone radiation. She also leads EHT’s public health education initiatives and awareness campaigns. Her work prompted the Maryland State Children’s Environmental Council to develop public health recommendations regarding radiofrequency radiation in schools. As a lead policy analyst on environmental health regulations she maintains EHT’s EMF regulatory database of the dozens of nations that have protective policies regarding cell phone and wireless radiation.

Prakash Munshi
Prakash Munshi, India
He has had wide experience in Industrial Engineering , Marketing & International Trade and travelled extensively in India and abroad during his working career. Since the last years he has been known to be a Concerned Citizen against Health Hazards due to EMF Radiation from Mobile Tower Antennae and is helping Citizens in various parts of Mumbai and other cities in India. He works together with Juhi Chawla Mehta in creating awareness among the Citizens of these health hazards.

Emmanuel Abundis
Emmanuel Abundis, Mexico
Director of the Mexican Society for Non Ionizing Radiation Protection Master´s Degree in Information Technologies by the University of Guadalajara Member of the Interdisciplinary Group for the Study of Electromagnetic Pollution (University of Guadalajara, Pediatric Division of the Western Medical Center of the Mexican Institute for Social Security and the Mexican Society for Non Ionizing Radiation Protection) Former member of the National Committe for Telecommunications Normalization (the Commitee does not exist anymore) for the creation of the Mexican Official Norm SCT-SSA-126 (NOM 126) regarding Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields in the range of 100Hz to 300 GHz (Not Issued) Blog: https://tecnointeligencia.wordpress.com/

Cindy Franklin
Cindy Franklin, USA
A U.S. wireless health and safety advocate since 2007, is director of Consumers for Safe Cell Phones (CSCP), a consumer advocacy group dedicated to educating others about the documented health risks from exposure to wireless devices such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, WiFi, etc. CSCP’s work centers on the fact that wireless consumer devices and associated cellular infrastructure emit non-ionizing RFR that has been shown by thousands of published studies to pose biological risks, including cancer, at or below ICNIRP’s and FCC’s “thermal-only” exposure limits. See her website

Pierre-Marie Théveniaud
Pierre-Marie Théveniaud, France
Trained as a physiologist, he has made a career as a teacher in Human Biology, Nutrition and Food Biochemistry. He has also worked in various institutional, associative and private settings. He was in charge of the nutrition and food sector in a national consumer association for several years, and thus acquired a good knowledge of the functioning of various councils or agencies at the national level. Retired from the National Education, his career naturally led him to focus on issues related to the health effects of electromagnetic fields and electro-hypersensitivity and he was entrusted with responsibilities in national associations with this object. As such, he has been collaborating with Alerte Phonegate for two years.