Protect yourself from the waves of your smartphone
23 models
of various manufacturers (Xiaomi, Nokia, Huawei, Wiko, Alcatel, etc…) for levels of exposure of the body to waves (SAR) higher than the level protecting your health. Hundreds of other models sold until June 2017 must also be updated.
Moreover, the current European regulations do not guarantee the protection of the health of the users at all.
“No cell phone sold today protects the health of users. The fault lies with European or international legislation driven solely by the economic interests of the cell phone industry.
This will be even more true with the release of 5G smartphones!“
Our 3 essential tips to protect your health

Essential protective measures
Your smartphone is always active and emitting waves even when you are not using it to make calls. This insidious exposure is often completely unknown to users.
Avoid direct contact of your cell phone with your body as much as possible:
– Don’t leave it in your pockets (pants, shirts, etc)
– Even less in a bra for women
– And don’t phone with the mobile to your ear
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Keep your cell phone at a safe distance
Without your knowledge, your operator will increase the SAR and therefore your exposure to its maximum in areas of poor reception. This happens several times a day. Put it at a distance from you, on your desk.
– Prefer the speakerphone or video exchange function of your smartphone
– Always use the outside pockets of jackets and coats when travelling
– Avoid calling while moving (car, train, metro, etc.) or in areas with poor connections (1 and 2 bars on your mobile screen)
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People most at risk
The scientific expertise is particularly clear regarding early exposure of children.
– Delay the use of cell phones by children as long as possible, if possible before the age of 14
– Avoid all contact between a connected device and the belly of the mother-to-be at all stages of pregnancy
– Heart patients should avoid keeping their phones in a shirt or jacket pocket
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