In a recent press release from France Télévision, the public group announced the broadcast of a 52-minute documentary on the deployment of 5G and also, more generally, on mobile telephony waves and their health issues, on Thursday, November 12, in the program “Complément d’enquête”.
This new documentary presented by Jacques Cardoze was directed by the investigative journalist Nicolas Vescovacci and Yemaya productions. We haven’t seen it but here is what the brief presentation accompanying its broadcast says about it:
“While some scientists are alarmed by the excessive exposure of consumers to the waves of their smartphone, ‘Complément d’enquête’ tested a dozen of the best-selling models in France. Do they all comply with the regulations? Here again, the results of our survey raise many questions about the approval criteria that manufacturers are subject to. ».
As a reminder, in August 2019, the Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist Sam Roe also tested the safety of the most popular cell phones sold in the United States. His revelations, which appeared in the Chicago Tribune, led to the first class actions against Apple and Samsung in the United States and Canada.
For Dr. Marc Arazi, who is at the origin of the revelation in July 2016 of the international Phonegate scandal:
“Finally, in just a few weeks, this is the second time, after the ’66 Minutes’ program broadcast on M6 in September, that a program destined for the French general public has discussed this widespread deception by manufacturers on the levels of exposure to the waves of our cell phones and its potential consequences for our health and that of our children. Without any reaction from the public authorities, our NGO is worried about the health and environmental consequences, which are likely to increase with the arrival of 5G! »