[Law360] Alsup Orders Apple To Produce FCC IPhone Communications

Law360, San Francisco (July 16, 2020, 5:16 PM EDT) — U.S. District Judge William Alsup on Thursday ordered Apple to hand over its Federal Communications Commission correspondence to consumers who allege iPhones emit dangerous levels of radiation, after asking Apple during a hearing if it was “afraid” the public would…

Read more in Law360 website https://www.law360.com/telecom/articles/1292823/alsup-orders-apple-to-produce-fcc-iphone-communications?fbclid=IwAR2OIPDVyTkloEE-uu4XEnojIK0Ixv-uN81eYdzaJG6y9C0sqqB7DO0R3Fw.


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16 July 2020