On January 6, 2025, the associations Phonegate Alert, Robin des Toits and the European Cancer and Environment Research Institute (ECERI) filed new claims with the Administrative Court of Melun as part of their legal action against the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES). The proceedings are aimed at challenging the public consultation, opinion and report on 5G published by the agency on April 20, 2021.

ANSES is playing for time with regard to 5G: two years of silence to benefit industry

  • ANSES took two years to respond to the initial conclusions submitted by the associations, finally providing its response in August 2024
  • The legal action is led by Lisa Arazi, a public law attorney 1, who states:

“In our reply brief, we pointed out the irregularity of the public consultation procedure carried out by ANSES concerning the expert report on 5G. This consultation, in disregard of the rules applicable to optional public consultations, excluded the comments submitted by Phonegate Alert, ECERI and Robin des Toits. We have also highlighted the consequences of this exclusion on the legality of both the report and the opinion formulated by this agency”.

Serious irregularities in the consultation process

  • As a reminder, 14 out of 42 contributions were classified by ANSES 1 as “outside the consultation modalities”.
  • These were the most important and scientifically substantiated comments, which were discarded by the agency.
  • The associations call for all comments made during the public consultation to be published, taken into account and integrated 2.

Acknowledgements and call for vigilance

This procedure was made possible thanks to the financial support of numerous donors via crowdfunding. Phonegate Alert secretary Jean-Paul Huard points out:

We remain determined to get to the bottom of what we consider to be a masquerade of a public consultation on the health issues surrounding 5G. ANSES seems to be using these consultations as a tool to legitimize pre-established conclusions, rather than as a real means of enhancing its expertise.