Vœux 2025 : Ensemble face au scandale du Phonegate
Au nom de toute l’équipe d’Alerte Phonegate, je vous présente nos meilleurs vœux pour 2025. L’année 2024 a été marquée par des...
Why aren’t the French associations taking part in the ANSES consultation on the links between radio frequencies and cancer?
The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) launched a public consultation on September 24, 2024,...
ANSES’s credibility also called into question by its scientific council
Our associations have taken note of the report published on March 10, in all discretion, on the site of the French Agency for Food, Environmental...
Six associations suspend their participation in the Radiofrequency and Health Dialogue Committee of ANSES
The significant and multiple current deviations of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) on the...
Téléphonie mobile et cancer : OMS et ANSES en eaux troubles
La classification par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) de la cancérogénicité des ondes de la téléphonie mobile doit être revue en...
SAR measurements: ANFR’s reprehensible omissions
In a press release dated December 7, 2022, the French National Agency of Frequencies (ANFR) publishes the SAR measurements it carried out in 2021...
5G: the masquerade of the ANSES public consultation challenged at the Administrative Court
On Saturday, August 12, 2022, the associations Phonegate Alert, Robin des toits and ECERI challenged, before the competent administrative court, the...
Appeal against the 5G Report: ANSES adopts the strategy of silence
On May 14th, our five associations – Robin des toits, Phonegate Alert, European Cancer and Environment Research Institute...
Collective action against the ANSES public consultation on 5G
Five associations* that participated in the public consultation opened by ANSES on the expert report and the associated opinion published on April...
SAR of cell phone : France files a formal objection to the EU Commission
The SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) of cell phones is supposed to protect the health of users. This is still not the case! Also, on the...
Why not call with your smartphone at your ear?
Since the appearance of the first cell phones, putting one’s device in contact with the head has become a daily gesture that has become more than mechanical for billions of users. But is it without health risks? No, and the fourfold increase in the number of the most serious brain cancers in thirty years should alert us.